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ALAI European Authors’ Right Award Launched

November 9, 2022

In order to inspire the next generation of Intellectual Property experts, GESAC and ALAI are launching the 5th edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award in the 2022/2023 academic year.

The prize, which amounts €2,000 to the winner and €1,000 to the second winner (if awarded), is awarded annually to the best essay related to authors’ rights/copyright with a European dimension. The candidates must be under the age of 35, research master’s students, and they must submit the abstract of their work in English or French before November 15, 2022.

The winner will be announced in the first week of April 2023.

The jury for the 2023 edition of the award is chaired by Professor Frank Gotzen, President of ALAI and is comprised of two ALAI representatives:
• Paul Torremans, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Nottingham
• Raquel Xalabarder, Catedràtica de Propietat Intel·lectual, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
and two representatives of GESAC:
• Caroline Bonin, Head of Legal Affairs, SACEM
• Gábor Faludi, outside Counsel for Artisjus, Associate Professor ELTE Law School Civil Law Department

More information on the ALAI Award can be found here:

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