If funding is approved, please note the requirements that:
- 1. The premises in which the project takes place must hold the appropriate IMRO licence. Please contact the IMRO Licensing Department at licensing@nullimro.ie or by Phone at 01 661 4844.
- 2. An appropriate acknowledgement of the grant must be given in all published material, i.e. programmes, advertising, press releases etc. Copies
of the relevant documents must be sent to IMRO.
- 3. At least 6 complimentary admission tickets for the project/event to be offered to IMRO.
- 4. Payment of a grant will not be made until:
- (a) The project has been completed or the event has taken place and written confirmation is received from the applicant;
(b) Performance royalties for the project/event have been paid to IMRO and a setlist for each act has been submitted to IMRO.
I/we pledge to respect the rights of the music creators that IMRO represents and that through all of the promotional means open to us we will champion the importance of copyright as the foundation stone for creativity, diversity and the continuance of music creation. We acknowledge that the payment of an IMRO grant to our project/organisation is dependent on us being an advocate and promoter of strong copyright protection for music creators.