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Do I Need a Licence?

Just like any other valued service provider, the creators behind the music you use to enhance your business must be paid for their work.

If  you are currently using copyright music in your business or you intend to do so in the future, visit our Sign Up for a Licence page or contact our Customer First Team at 1800 66 10 10 or by email at

If you are using copyrighted music in an audio / audio visual production, you must get pre-clearance from the copyright holders. Visit MCPSI for information on music licences for broadcast media, recorded media or online use.

Source: IMRO
Map of Ireland
Source: The Contribution of the Drinks Industry to Tourism, Aug 2014

Music creators appoint IMRO to licence their music to businesses on their behalf, whether it be played by means of a television, radio, recorded music device, streamed from an online service or performed live. With IMRO you can easily tap into the wealth of music you need to drive your business forward, in full compliance with copyright legislation. And all for a single annual fee.


As IMRO is a not-for-profit organisation, all of the licence fees collected, after administration costs are deducted, are paid directly to the people who compose, publish and write the music that you use in your business. By paying your annual licence fee to IMRO, you are enabling music creators and artists to continue making music that you will ultimately use to improve your business operation.

Source: Research carried out by AT&T

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