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Adoption in Plenary of European Parliament’s Own-Initiative Report on the Evaluation of the Geo-Blocking Regulation

March 1, 2024

Although this was an own-initiative report from the Parliament and therefore without any legislative impact, it has a particular political importance, since the European Commission is due to prepare its review on the Geo-blocking Regulation in 2025, and it has been asking the AV sector to bring new solutions, projects or ideas that would lead to, (where possible), less or no geo-blocking of  AV content, and indicating that in absence of such measures the Commission would need to take legislative action in the review process.   The report adopted by the leading IMCO Committee asked for the prohibition of geo-blocking in the field of the AV sector and the inclusion of AV services into the scope of the regulation at the forthcoming review.  However, following an extensive campaign organised by the AV sector this provision was reversed at the Plenary vote, and the final text no longer asks for such an inclusion, even noting that geo-blocking is needed to ensure cultural diversity and the business model in the AV sector.

Note that the various committees already had an understanding not to extend the scope to the music sector since all music content is already available across the EU without any issues, and any remaining geo-blocking practices, where they exist, serve to consumers’ advantage. This was also the finding of the dedicated expert study commissioned by the Commission several years ago, to which GESAC contributed.  GESAC also worked extensively at the committee level to keep music out of the scope of other music rightsholders and to support the efforts of the AV sector.

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