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VJ Jaxson Unveils Animated Visual for ‘Metamorphosis’ a Soliloquy About Changes

July 31, 2023

Having been warmly received on his debut EP ‘Finding Myself’ in 2021, VJ proved his ability to flit across topics of love, introspection, mental health and faith within his soul-stirring mix of hip-hop, R&B and indie rock, and lyrical realism all centered upon his brave self-discovery laden explorations.

Metamorphosis is a short self-reflective soliloquy about finding meaning in life and searching for purpose. VJ delves into the world of spoken word as he delivers a Shakespearean like dialogue questioning and omitting past troubles, emotional turmoil and highest hopes for the future. Paired a with a beautifully animated video which sees VJ exploring nature in search of guidance, meaning and more.

Explaining Metamorphosis, says “ It is an introduction, to my world, to my mind and how I see things. The last few years have brought me blessings, It’s crazy how so much can change… Relationships, friends, family and myself. I hope you enjoy the story…”

With the turn of a new leaf is there a new project on the horizon? Buckle up and get ready to embark on an unforgettable sonic odyssey with VJ Jaxson who will captivate your senses and leave you craving for more.

Stream latest single ‘Waiting on the Day’

Connect with VJ Jaxson

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