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Dublin Songwriting Circle to host 5th event on May 30th

May 27, 2024
Photo credit @mayaofthehope

Dublin Songwriting Circle are to host their 5th songwriting feedback and networking event on May 30th in The Black Sheep on Dublin’s Capel Street. The event, inspired by the successful Camden Songwriting Circle in London, looks to create a safe space for Dublin songwriters to present their works in progress and receive supportive and constructive feedback from the audience. Attendees will then be given the opportunity to network with other songwriters and creatives, where they can share advice and discuss whatever they may be struggling with when it comes to their songwriting. Collaboration conversations are also very encouraged.

Talking about events so far, Dublin Songwriting Circle’s Creative Director and Singer Songwriter, Luke Clerkin said ‘Each time we’ve met has been totally different to the other. Each time the vulnerability on display has inspired more and more people to be vulnerable, and to show their most vulnerable selves through their new songs. It’s nothing short of magical. We’ve also been getting a few international performers coming in and sharing their songs, and that’s been wonderful to see. I hope we can inspire them to build their own communities in their own cities like Camden did for us.’

Adding to that, Dublin Songwriting Circle social media manager and singer/songwriter All Things Eve Said ‘We’ve had performers from all corners of the Dublin music scene and well beyond gathering in our space for the same cause. The networking sessions after the performances have already led to collaborations between attendees, some of them are now co-writing and putting on gigs together and it’s fantastic to see the vision we had for the Dublin Songwriting Circle coming together so nicely.’


Dublin Songwriting Circle’s 5th songwriting feedback and networking event will take place at 8 pm on  May 30th downstairs in The Black Sheep on Capel Street.
Sign up for the event is at 7.30 pm, with 15 places only, first come, first served.
You can find more information on Instagram here.


Dublin Songwriting Circle is a community of songwriters founded by Dublin based songwriter’s Luke Clerkin, All Things Eve and Navya. Their aim is to provide a safe space for songwriters to share their songs and connect with other like minded souls.


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