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Dublin Post-Rock Duo Geo Postal Return With Captivating New Single

May 2, 2024
Photo credit: @pizza_egg

Looking to continue building momentum off the back of their successful first release, Dublin-based duo Geo Postal are returning with their latest track Steady The Hand. Their first single Planet Express got air time on stations across the country, including a shout as the 2FM Track of the Week, and was picked up and shared by one of the world’s largest post-rock channels and communities, WorldHasPostRock, with over 300k YouTube subscribers.

Steady The Hand is a more introspective, ethereal exploration of their post-rock sound, and is the next in a string of releases coming over the next few months. According to Sonny “Steady The Hand was the first song I wrote when I really began to find my passion in creating rich post-rock soundscapes, and is still probably the song I’m most proud of.”

The pair have a busy few months ahead, with three festivals lined up and two more tracks to release before the summer is ou.! They’ve also organised the inaugural night of White Noise, a new event in Dublin dedicated to all things post/prog/math-rock. The first night will take place on Sat May 4th in Sin É, with support from two other Irish acts Silverglass and Dazgak!

”We’re just big fans of post-rock, and we wanted a night to see who else is out there, and to help build a community that shares our love of this kind of music.”

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