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IMRO Formally Terminates Affiliation Agreement with Russian Collecting Society RAO

March 11, 2022

IMRO has today formally terminated, with immediate effect, our rights representation relationship with RAO, the Russian collecting society for musical works.

We stand alongside our colleagues and partners in Ukraine and our partners and friends at the Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights (UACRR). They are suffering from the war instigated by the Russian Government. Their work is to support creativity, art and culture – precious qualities that enrich our lives and communities but are now under attack and facing terrible humanitarian consequences. Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian members, friends and creators who have been forced to flee their homes, hide in shelters and take to the streets to fight to protect their country and freedoms. Destruction is the very antithesis of creation; it is the very opposite of what we do in our work every day.

We encourage in the strongest terms the path of dialogue and co-operation and insist on an end to aggression and violence. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people standing defiantly in this unthinkable situation.

Eleanor McEvoy

Victor Finn
Chief Executive


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