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‘Breathe’ the Debut Album from Sara Ryan is Available to Stream Now

Since the release of her stunning debut EP, ‘Glitter Skies’, Sara Ryan has gone from being one of Irish folk music’s hidden gems, to its ‘New Artist of the Year’ at the 2017 Irish Folk Awards. 

Such recognition is unsurprising to anyone lucky enough to have followed Sara’s career from the beginning. Extensive touring in Germany and Switzerland attracted growing audiences with each visit, and her veritable songwriting and storytelling talents have been lauded by fellow homegrown artists including Christy Moore, Sara has shared the stage with some of Ireland’s most commended artists, Mick Flannery, Luka Bloom, The Stunning, Wyvern Lingo, Jack L and Wally Page.

With that in mind, the creative maturity of Sara’s debut album, ‘Breathe‘, feels almost inevitable. The journey through it is a telling one; betraying at each turn the compassion and cleverness of its creator. Its first single, ‘Bright Blue Screens’, demonstrates a bewitching blend of folk, soul, blues and social commentary that is in play across the album. Sara is a songwriter with spirit, and ‘Breathe’ is certainly a record made in her image. It is at times a candle in the dark; at others, a fire in the belly.

In October 2019 Sara was awarded a scholarship with CIT Faculty of Business of Humanities with Cork School of Music to undergo a Masters in Vocal Performance, to further grow creatively and technically as a vocalist, songwriter and artist.

‘Breathe’ is out now across streaming platforms. On the 24th of April, Sara is releasing a track from her album titled ‘Human’. This is a piece highlighting the core of what connects us all as people – the fact that we are not that different, we are all human.

“she continues to progress through hard work , determination and, most importantly… pure talent and creative spirit” – Christy Moore.

‘A very striking performer with a folk voice that is high, carrying, soft and beautiful; but also eerie…’ – John Spillane

Ministers of Culture and Media discuss measures aimed at assisting the cultural and creative sector

European Ministers of Culture, via video conference, have examined the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemia on the cultural and creative sector and discussed possible measures for mitigating negative effects of the crisis.

The video conference was organised on the initiative of Croatian Presidency and presided by Nina Obuljen Koržinek, Croatian Minister of Culture, with the participation of Věra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market.

Member States and representatives of the European Commission exchanged views on the implemented measures in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis and measures that should be taken at the European level.

“Today’s discussion showed that all Member States have undertaken the necessary steps in order to help artists, cultural workers, cultural institutions and companies in the cultural and creative industries in situation when cultural events are being postponed or cancelled. We also discussed how the public consumes cultural content on various online platforms during the isolation. We are all faced with the same challenges and I am convinced that the results of today’s debate will help us to cope with this crisis and its consequences on culture, both at the European level and in Member States.”
Nina Obuljen Koržinek, Minister of Culture of Croatia

The Vice-President of the European Commision, Vera Jourová underlined that the actions and reactions have to be comprehensive. The Vice-President particularly emphasized the importance of the media sector, professional work of journalists and the responsibility of the media to prevent fake news and disinformation.

Commissioner Thierry Breton presented the measures already being implemented by the European Commission. He also outlined a number of measures already taken for the internal market and noted that the media and audiovisual industry are playing a very important role during the crisis, emphasising the need for the immediate action.

Commissioner Gabriel presented the activities already launched by the European associations, Member States and the European Commission in the cultural and creative sectors focused on minimizing the negative consequences of the pandemic for the citizens.

The European Commission assured funding through the European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund, State Aid model and SURE model. She highlighted the necessity of flexible approach to the beneficiaries of the Creative Europe programme.

Ministers welcomed the Commission’s swift and efficient reaction as well as the announcement of further measures and programmes in a response to the COVID-19 pandemia. The implemented regulations temporarily averted a greater crisis and important measures have been carried out.

EU Member States agreed that all extraordinary measures should be consistent with the fundamental values of the European Union.

Irish Music Industry Podcast Back With A Bang

Providing a vital insight into the music industry featuring Ireland’s top music industry professionals.

Series 2 of The Irish Music Industry Podcast has launched providing a vital insight into the music industry. Produced by Mark G of King Kong Company, The Irish Music Industry Podcast is a must listen for both people who want to break into the industry and seasoned professionals who want to learn more about other areas of the music sector.

Check out the latest episodes here:

Putting Your Body and Soul on the Line –

Nothing Splendid About Isolation –

The first series of the podcast was hugely successful, occasionally hitting the top spot on the Irish Podcast Charts. Series two seeks to build on that, seeking out professionals from a multitude of disciplines to offer some advice and discuss how they carve out their own space within the sector. Each episode of The Irish Music Industry Podcast will see Mark G interviewing some of Ireland’s top music industry professionals, as they pick apart the mechanism of the Irish music sector in an effort to understand what makes it tick. From well-worn road warriors to eager newbies, all stories, advice, wisdom and occasional tales of woe come straight from the horse’s mouth.

The first handful of episodes are available now and feature top music professionals John Spillane (singer songwriter), Leo Abrahams (musician/producer for Brian Eno, Paul Simon and David Byrne) Alex Gough (songwriter/performer), Eleanor McEvoy (singer/songwriter and Chair of IMRO), Avril Stanley (Director of Body&Soul), Tara Thomas (gig photographer) and Jim Fielder (bass player with Blood Sweat and Tears/Frank Zappa/Jefferson Airplane. Jim played at Woodstock).  

Speaking about the podcast Mark G said: “The success that series one enjoyed was more shocking to me than anyone else. I thought there would a very niche audience for this.  Already, just a short way into series two, we’ve been topping the Irish podcast charts. It seems that there are more people than I imagined interested in sussing out what goes on behind and around music in Ireland today, and the guests I’m talking to are really getting’ stuck in to it”.

The spark that lit the touchpaper on this podcast came from Mark’s experience within third level education and from working within the music sector itself. “There was a slow burning realisation that many prospective music industry professionals aren’t privy to a full and frank picture of what to expect from their chosen career”. Given where the industry stands right now, having a resource where professionals can share information, advice and proactive pointers is invaluable. In one recent episode The Mary Wallopers shared how they successfully streamed a Paddy’s Day gig to thousands of people, raising some much needed funds for themselves. Drummer Johnny Daly talked about signing on for the first time to avail of the Covid-19 emergency payment. John Spillane and Síomha discussed successful crowd funding campaigns that saw them raising thousands of euros to fund their next albums. All of those positive and proactive solutions were in just one episode. Imagine what’s in a whole series?

The first episodes of series two of The Irish Music Industry Podcasts are available now on iTunes, Android and the usual digital sources or you can visit to download/stream the podcasts. The Irish Music Industry Podcast is supported by IMRO.

Arts Council COVID-19 Crisis Response Award Announced

The Arts Council has announced a €1 million fund to enable artists to make new and original art during the COVID-19 crisis. The scheme, called the Arts Council COVID-19 Crisis Response Award, is designed to support the creation of new artistic work and its dissemination online for the public benefit:

Culture Ireland and FACEBOOK Ireland announces details of Ireland Performs

The COVID-19 crisis has rapidly changed how artists present their work and reach audiences.  As artists have largely turned to online presentation, FACEBOOK Ireland with Culture Ireland, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht have come together to support and present live presentations by Irish artists (in English or Irish) to ensure that the arts continue to be enjoyed online – #IrelandPerforms.

The scheme was announced today (Friday 3 April) by Josepha Madigan, T.D., Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

This grant scheme to support professional artists and enable the live presentation of their work on online platforms is being made available from 3 April for an initial period of 4 weeks. Funding of €100,000 is being made available on a match funded basis by FACEBOOK Ireland and Culture Ireland, a division of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. All successful artists will be awarded €1,000. The scheme will be managed by Culture Ireland in conjunction with First Music Contact and Poetry Ireland in association with RTÉ.

Full details of the scheme are available here and an application form is available here

Application forms should be forwarded to

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and while the scheme is open to all, special consideration will be given to artists whose work was scheduled for public presentation internationally or in Ireland and has been cancelled owing to the crisis.

Artists will be streamed through FACEBOOK Live and other social media platforms using the hashtag #IrelandPerforms and distributed as widely as possible through Instagram and Facebook Pages, including those of Culture Ireland, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, First Music Contact and Poetry Ireland.

GESAC calls on European decision-makers to take urgent action

European culture and European creators are facing unprecedented negative impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creators who rely on the public performance of their work have seen present and future earnings wiped out as lockdowns take their toll on the economy. Alongside the closure of bars, clubs and other venues, the cancellation of events like concerts and festivals has worsened the situation for those whose livelihoods depend on performance and royalty revenues.

To further exacerbate matters, the production of many films, series and other cultural projects has been postponed or stopped altogether, meaning creators may face economic hardship well into 2021.

The precarious work arrangements of creators makes them particularly vulnerable to economic downturn. Unable to benefit from the safety net afforded by larger companies, dedicated funds on offer for small and medium-sized enterprises or unemployment payments for employees, creators are at risk of being forgotten.

As organisations made by creators for creators, collective management organisations (CMOs) are providing assistance beyond the professional, helping creators who have been deeply affected on a personal level by this crisis.

The 33 GESAC member societies are taking action to help their members; providing emergency funds, loans and advance payments. They are also adapting their social and cultural funds – dedicated parts of their revenue used for cultural and social purposes – to address the urgent problems facing music authors, composers and editors.

However, much broader and more sustainable European initiatives must be implemented by the EU institutions and national governments to support the entire sector. A strong and united European response that pays homage to the very foundations of the Union and its core values is needed.
The creative community, of which GESAC represents over 1 million creators, recommends that:

• The Commission specifically mentions the importance of supporting the cultural sector when providing funds to Member States and makes sure that the precarious situation of creators is taken into account in its policy regarding COVID-19;

• Member States make sure that part of the emergency funds provided by the EU is available to creators and the cultural sector;

• Co-legislators swiftly adopt the Multi-annual Financial Framework that sets the future funding for culture in Europe, with the necessary increase for our sectors, as proposed by the European Parliament.

The power of culture, music and art to connect people during difficult times has become ever more apparent on social media. Viral videos have shown how singing and performing together can provide whole neighbourhoods a brief respite from the situation, and bring people together at a time when they are being asked to remain apart.

Creators and the cultural sector are essential aspects of the European project; core to creating a “Europe united in diversity”. But this pandemic has shown just how fragile our ability to promote and perform cultural and creative acts can be.

GESAC, on behalf of the European community of creators, are asking that European policy-makers take swift and decisive action to protect European creativity and culture.

Keeping your studio environment and musical equipment Covid-19 virus free

IMRO members Marion McEvoy, Owner/Engineer from Panchord Studio Dublin and multi award winning songwriter, performer and producer Phil Coulter share advice and tips on keeping your studio environment and musical equipment Covid-19 virus free.

For regularly updated advice and resources for music creators during Covid-19 outbreak visit:

AIMÉE Reveals Lyric Video For Emotive Fan Track “I’m OK”

Ahead of Aimée’s highly anticipated debut EP, ‘Confession’, comes the emotive fan track ‘I’m OK’. This deeply personal track was released to fans last week along with the official announcement of her debut EP, ‘Confession’, set for release on 27th March via Universal Music Ireland.

Today sees the release of the lyric video for ‘I’m OK’.

The lyric video hosts a nostalgic montage of family photos that include Aimée’s mam, who the song beautifully pays tribute to.

Of the track ‘I’m OK’, Aimée says; Losing my Mam was the hardest thing that has ever happened to me. I spent a lot of time blocking it out and not talking about it. I was pretending to be fine. But it turns out I was actually hurting myself more by doing this. Once I started opening up and sharing my bad days and struggles, it really connected me to so many people because so many people are dealing with grief or their own struggles, too. I knew that opening up and writing this song would be hard but knowing how many people this song could possibly touch was exactly why I did it.

Aimée’s eagerly awaited EP, ‘Confession’ is already gathering momentum, ranking a #4 spot on the iTunes Best Seller Pre-Orders last week, while ‘I’m OK’ was added to a string of prominent playlists including NMF UK, NMF Iceland, New Pop UK & A Breath Of Fresh Éire.

Prior to ‘I’m OK’, Aimée released her top 30 Irish radio hit, ‘Don’t Call Me Pretty’, the first track to be taken from her upcoming EP. The pop anthem has received global radio support with numerous stations including The Dominican Republic, Italy, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Nambia, Spain, Switzerland, and 125 stations across the UK.

Aimée has over two million combined streams, to date.

Live Dates

19th – 21st June 2020 | Sea Sessions, Bundoran, Donegal
19th – 21st June 2020 | Body & Soul, Westmeath
31st July – 2nd August 2020 | Indie20, Cork
31st July – 2nd August 2020 | No Where We’d Rather Be, Kilruddery House & Gardens, Bray
10th – 12th July 2020 | Sult Festival, Gweedore

Debut EP ‘CONFESSION’ Out 27th March

Pre-Save Here! // Pre-Order Here!

Pre-Order Limited Edition Vinyl from The Record Hub, Here!

Irish glam-pop artist Jack Rua is celebrating bi-curiousity on his bombastic new single, ‘Curious’

A dance-pop song with rock and dubstep influences, ‘Curious’ is a lyrically playful track which challenges binary thinking in terms of sexuality, beckoning you to “stop paying so much attention to your labels” and embrace “a new world”.

‘Curious’ is Jack’s fourth single from his yet to be announced debut album. Expect more fun dancey numbers, and lyrics about sexual liberation and self love.

Dublin based glam-pop artist Jack Rua is a unique and original talent. A classically trained vocalist and musician who blends well crafted pop music with electronic-dance and glam-rock influences, Jack has established himself as an artist who strives to differ from the norm and do things his own way.

Inspired by some of the most ambitious and creative artists of the last fifty years, Jack spent his formative years studying the work of icons such as David Bowie, Madonna, Lady Gaga & Prince; analysing their every move and how they used their art forms to innovate and rebel.

After striking up creative partnerships with fellow BIMM Dublin alum Porridge and visual artist PureGrand, Jack began releasing his music in 2019 with three singles that racked up over 85,000 streams on Spotify and received radio airplay on RTE 2FM, Spin 1038, Classic Hits 4FM, BBC Introducing and KCLR to name a few. ‘Ego’, his house-pop banger with producer LOGUOS was placed on Spotify’s “Out Now” Pride playlist for queer artists, and ‘Rise’ (featuring Cork rapper Darce) was added to New Music Friday UK on Spotify.

After a successful year which also included an array of headline, support and club gigs across Dublin, Jack is set to soar even further in 2020 with even more boundary pushing music, visuals and live spectacles. The playful and bombastic ‘Curious’ came out on March 13th and was added to New Music Friday UK on Spotify. It is the fourth instalment from a project geared up for release in the first half of 2020.

“Jack blends the sensual flamboyance of Prince with a sassy Madonna- esque boldness while still creating something that summons your soul to the dancefloor with his infectious and lovable tones, beats and melodies” – Indie Buddie

“Jack Rua has developed a brand of music that can dance across the entire pop spectrum”Jessica Maciel, Spin 1038

Jack doesn’t hold back his shine. The Dublin queer artist is not afraid to soar as he preaches the power of acceptance”Aupium

“The feel-good factor is a prevalent aspect of many a pop song however Jack Rua likes to take it further than this. A quick listen to his back catalogue tells you that hedonism takes front and centre”Anna Buckley, Golden Plec

‘You’re Not The Answer’ | New Release from Columbia Mills

COLUMBIA MILLS release beautiful new single ‘You’re Not The Answer’ (13/03) with a Live video shot in Yellowdoor Studios ahead of CCTV Album Release (17/04) and Button Factory Headline Show (24/04)

2019 saw COLUMBIA MILLS release two singles from their highly anticipated sophomore album ‘CCTV'(17/04); ‘Strange Game’ and ‘Who Am I Supposed To Talk To Now?’ garnered huge radio support here and in the UK including John Kennedy Radio X, RTE Radio 1, Ed Smith (Today FM) choosing COLUMBIA MILLS as his Play Irish Artist of the week and ‘Recent and Decent’ on Today FM, Dan Hegartys (2FM) Track of The Week, and heavy rotation on Paul Mc Loones Today FM show, as well as heavy airplay across all national and regional radio stations. 2020 has already seen the release of ‘UNDERSTAND’ (31/01/20), the third single from ‘CCTV’ which received huge radio support. Following a string of multiple sold out live shows to date, Columbia Mills have just announced they will headline Dublin’s Button Factory on Friday, 24th April with special guest Christian Cohle, presented by Aiken Promotions. Ahead of their headline show they are releasing the beautiful single and live video, ‘You’re Not The Answer’ on March 13th

The song was written after a conversation I had with my mother late one night. She had just lost her 3 best friends that year, all to cancer. We talked about the hopelessness of watching it happen and about being left behind. As we grow up we go through a lot with our friends, birthdays, weddings, the births of our children, hard times, good times and then inevitably death. The cruel cyclical nature of life and the indiscriminate nature of cancer” – Fiachra Treacy .

Constant musical development has marked the journey of Columbia Mills since the band’s inception in 2014. Brothers Fiachra and Uisneagh Treacy found like minds in Ste Ward, Paul Kenny and Mick Heffernan in Bray, Meath and Dublin.

Their mission statement was to merge electronica, dance and pop while fostering a spirit of inclusion always evident at the long-gone club in Dublin’s docklands from where they took their name. Never Gonna Look At You The Same and other songs on their debut EP Factory Settings smelled like prime Mary Chain but 2015’s EP The Perfect Day found them transitioning from the Reid brothers’ influence to more beat-driven cacophonies on its title track and the quietly epic History.

On 2017’s debut album, A Safe Distance To Watch, they transitioned again. One of its stand-out tracks, This City Doesn’t Feel Like Home To Me, reflected the disappointment lead singer and principal songwriter Fiachra felt with Dublin after arriving from Bray in pursuit of a musical career; a city that was said to prize its artists, now prices creativity beyond its boundaries.

With new member, Ken McCabe on keyboards/electronics, Columbia Mills’ burgeoning fanbase will be in no way surprised that the tracks on their sophomore album, CCTV (due for release in 2020) sees continuing evidence of that constant music development. The new songs reveal a band who have truly found their voice but also the hands to fashion the sound to which they’ve aspired. You will sense that and soon cherish what you hear. They, meanwhile, will be plotting their next move. Words by Danny McElhinney (Mail On Sunday)

Button Factory, Dublin Headline Show – April 24th

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