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My account was due to renew while I was closed. Will I receive my invoices as normal?

IMRO did not send annual renewal invoices to customers while they were closed and postponed the issue of these until after customers had re-opened. Renewal Invoices and credit notes for the period from 26th December 2020 to the date your business sector re-opened have now been issued to almost all businesses that have re-opened.

We request that you make payment of any outstanding balance on your account as soon as possible.  IMRO has restarted our cash collection activity and if you do not make payment, our credit control team will shortly be in contact with you.

The easiest way to check your account to ensure all credit notes and renewal invoices have been issued is to set up your account on the IMRO Self-Service Licensing Portal at  See Question 6 below for further details.

If you have not received your annual renewal invoice or your credit note for your period of closure from 26th December 2020 to your re-opening date or if you have any other questions about your account, please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at 01-6448027.

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