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Natural B Releases Latest Single ‘More Fire’

July 31, 2023

Natural B is from a town called Sagamu in Nigeria and has been living in Ireland for nearly 20 years. He makes Afrobeat music, also known as African music. The music he creates can be described as positive and uplifting.

Natural B graduated from media production at Ballyfermot Institute of Further Education / Dublin City University. His previous releases include Mixtape Pending (2011), Believers (2012), Stream of Songs (2020), and Listen (2022).

‘More Fire’ is Natural B’s latest release, a song that represents a test of resilience. Throughout his life, he has faced numerous trials and tribulations, and it often felt like one hurdle after another. However, with each challenge, he has learned to become stronger and more determined than ever before. As a creative, he has had to overcome setbacks time and time again, and even in his personal life, he has had to dig deep to find the courage to keep moving forward.

Natural B believes that many people can relate to the feeling of going through the motions of a 9 to 5 job and feeling like there’s no social life left. That’s where the inspiration for ‘More Fire’ came from – wanting to create a sound that would lift him and inspire others to do the same. The song is upbeat and dancey, intentionally designed to evoke a sense of positivity and upliftment. It’s about blowing off some steam.

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