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Emerging Irish Alt-Rap artist RikShaw set to release mesmerising new single ‘Waterfall’ out April 25th

April 24, 2024

Beginning his artistic journey in 2018 Rikshaw quickly made a name for himself with a sound based around the trap genre. Synergizing hard-hitting rap flows with catchy melodic hooks RikShaw jumped in and out of many different sounds taking his inspiration on board but always adding something unique and personal to the sound. Continuing to release regularly throughout his music career he garnered some media attention and accumulated high streaming numbers with every release. After 2 release projects in 2022 “Damage Control” & “Limited Edition,” RikShaws contact releases finally halted.

After a long hiatus from releasing, RikShaw began 2024 with his first single in almost 2 years “Where Has the Time Gone.” He is beginning to re-ignite the flame that sparked constant releases from his earlier days. Returning to the stage as a more mature and reflective artist, this version of RikShaw may be a little different than his earlier nonchalant fun tracks but the quality of music remains the same.

Taking heavy inspiration from The Weekend, Rikshaw’s upcoming new single ‘Waterfall’ delivers a somber embrace of nocturnal confines.

“I have had a lot of highs and lows in the last few years and sometimes cannot help focusing solely on the lows. This sometimes takes control and can leave me feeling trapped and lost. Embodying these silent struggles.” – Rikshaw on the track.

Waterfall dives into the depths of where they can take you. This track really unveils the labyrinth of lost time and inner turmoil. This dark cadence that is so relevant was made in hopes that it can take you along with Rikshaw for these few minutes of the song and when it finally wraps up it might feel like there is a light at the end of that tunnel.

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