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MyCreativeEdge | The Creative Showcase for Europe’s Northern Edge

September 24, 2013

MyCreativeEdge ( is a new website which showcases the work of businesses, freelancers and jobseekers working in the creative industries sector in the West of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Sweden and Finland – The Creative Showcase for Europe’s Northern Edge. The MyCreativeEdge website has now been running for over two months with almost 200 creative profiles now live on the site. MCE-LOGO-small- 300px

It’s a free resource available to musicians and producers based in Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon, Mayo, Galway or Clare.

Among the benefits for West of Ireland based IMRO members signing up for MyCreativeEdge include:

  • The profiles of creative businesses and freelancers on the site will be promoted to international customers and clients as part of the MyCreativeEdge online advertising campaign.
  • The design of MyCreativeEdge allows creative businesses to showcase their work through a high quality visual medium.
  • Members will have the opportunity to form connections with other creative businesses from across Europe’s northern edge.
  • Members will also have the opportunity to find and employ creative graduates and freelancers by browsing their online portfolios in the ‘Employ a Creative’ section.
  • MyCreativeEdge will centralise key information resources that businesses need when they are looking to export.
  • A small number of ‘talent vouchers’ will also be available for creative business members of the site to contract a new creative graduate from the site to undertake a specific assignment. Vouchers are available for a maximum of €2,000


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