Alt-rock power trio Foot Squeaker unleash new Single ‘Pass It On’

Imagine a conversation with your younger self. The temptation of giving advice would be strong. Would that younger self even listen? Should they even listen? How much can wisdom be passed on and how much needs to be experienced?
Bursting into Summer fresh off their Ubh Bhriste Irish tour and the March release of their single ‘Friends Like These’, Foot Squeaker strike while the sun is hot with their new single, ‘Pass It On’.
The song was written two years ago as Diarmuid’s eldest son turned eighteen. The idea of writing a song giving advice to your younger self brought ‘Pass It On’ to life very quickly. Simple effective advice; be yourself, stand tall, be kind, watch out for the disingenuous.
From a delicate beginning of acoustic guitar (recorded in the house toilet for ultimate natural reverb) to the anthemic big chorus “Eyes on the prize. Grá mór inside”, ‘Pass It On’ is sure to lift the hearts and feet of audiences this Summer.
Mixed by Daniel Fox (Gilla Band)
Mastered by Darragh Nolan (Astakalapa)
Dún Laoghaire Summer Fest
Indie Night Headline
The Lighthouse – July 11th
Dundalk – August 16th
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